Testimonies of 2012
{accordion=Linda’s Testimony}
I just returned from Helekpe, Ghana, West Africa and I just need to share with others the great joy and blessing that I experienced while there participating in the advancement of the Kingdom Of God with Reddekopp Ministries. Jake and the ministry team took us on an evangelical whirlwind of sorts. Three nights one week and two scheduled for the next, although I only was able to go to the first one that week. Village after village God moved, His presence was powerful and mighty, people, many people came to the Lord. There were many that raised their hands for salvation in the shadows so the exact numbers are not able to be counted. There was also one village that clearly did not want to be involved and left into the shadows, not responding. How sad that was.
We were with Katherine and the Queen Mother of the Village when the new library was opened at the daycare facility for children of working moms, mostly impoverished and without resources. We had a fairly heavy agenda while there. I was able to preach on Sunday at the UCC Church. Saturday we held a women’s conference at the House of Prayer, well received and probably about 250 women there – which by the way was not announced until that very morning! Every morning 5:00 a.m. Pastor Sam reads the bible over the PA from the House of Prayer and the whole village hears the word. How great is that? We were blessed and highly favored, loving the people and being loved by them. I have been there now three times, each time was different but each time blessed.
I will close off by saying this, Reddekopp Ministries is good ground, a good place to sow your time and your money. They are totally committed to God and serve well in Ghana. Every time I go I see new things, improvements, changes in people, and changes in the village. This is what the gospel is all about – going into all the world – I take this moment to thank both Jake and Katherine for their hospitality, their joy and a most wonderful time. God has blessed them and the village. I am looking forward to my next trip.
{accordion=Janet’s testimony}
I was so blessed when God called me to come to Africa, to visit and be of service in whatever way He could use me. The Reddekopp’s are such a beautiful family, and so dedicated to helping others, and both Jake and Katherine are being used of the Lord to reach others. Linda and I were privileged to be included with Jake and his team in evangelism in several villages.
At one village, I was blessed more than I can even begin to tell, when while praying for many children, one little boy was back in the line to be prayed for again, because as he told the interpreter, he wasn’t healed the first time. What childlike faith!! I immediately put my hand on his stomach, for which he wanted prayer. It was very large, and when I prayed for God to put everything inside in order, and to heal him, I could feel things just churning around, and then my hand started going down with his tummy until it was almost flat, and smooth. He looked at me with big eyes, smiling, and I said, “Yes, Jesus just healed you. Now you just keep thanking Jesus!” He turned, smiling as he walked away.
There is so much more I could say, but I will close by saying that I came home a different person. My faith was increased, and my walk with the Lord has taken on a new and greater level. I pray that Jesus will help us to teach His truth, exhort and encourage one another, and be instruments of healing. I pray that He will remind us to pray regularly for the Holy Spirit to empower us. In His Name. Amen.
{accordion=From Pastor Isaac Dyck who visited Ghana with Jake in August of 2010}
Our trip was a real eye opener for us of what this ministry is all about and what the Ghanaian people are like. We saw a lot of potential for growth in Ghana because we could see that the people were not lazy. They are already working hard.
One highlight for us was the joint worship service with all the churches. They all worship the Lord in different ways but they could worship Him together. Another highlight was the children’s meeting that we had on Tuesday of our trip. The children were eagerly waiting to get in the building for an hour or two before the meeting even began. The children expressed how happy they were that Jake was back again. This shows that they are receiving love and being cared for. It reminded me of when Jesus said to let the children come to Him. I felt that this ministry is a success already because the children are so attracted to it. I could see the sincerity in their eyes. I think of these children every day.
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