Reddekopp Ministries Canadian Board of Directors.
Jake Reddekopp
Founder and President of the ministry, Jacob was a youth pastor for 4 years before moving to Ghana with a vision to see Jeremiah 29:7 fulfilled for the people of Ghana. Under his leadership the ministry has grown from the ground up, to what it is today, 10 years later.
Dave Bergen
Dave Bergen has education in financial management and holds a leadership position in his work place, as well as his church. Dave has also been with Reddekopp Ministries from the beginning. With his financial training, Dave has been a huge blessing to the ministry.
Bill Miller
Bill Miller brings organization and administration strengths to the ministry. He has served actively in his home church and worked in the business arena for a number of years.
Angie Scott
Angie Scott is the newest member of the board. She brings to the team the creativity and energy of an entreprenuer. With her background in marketing and internet technology, and her love for the Lord Jesus, she plays an important role in moving the charity forward.